Title: Eternal Kiss of Darkness
Author: Jeaniene Frost
Series: Night Huntress World #2
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: July 27, 2010
Publisher: Avon
Edition: Paperback
An immortal war has been brewing in the darkness…and now one woman has stumbled into the shadows.
Chicago private investigator Kira Graceling should have just kept on walking. But her sense of duty refused to let her ignore the moans of pain coming from inside a warehouse just before dawn. Suddenly she finds herself in a world she’s only imagined in her worst nightmares.
At the center is Mencheres, a breathtaking Master Vampire who thought he’d seen it all. Then Kira appears—this fearless, beautiful…human who braved death to rescue him. Though he burns for her, keeping Kira in his world means risking her life, yet sending her away is unthinkable.
But with danger closing in, Mencheres must choose between the woman he craves, or embracing the darkest magic to defeat an enemy bent on his eternal destruction.
We've met Mencheres previously in the Cat & Bones series and since then I've been waiting eagerly for his book.
We get to know some of his background and how much guilt he suffers because of events of his past, especially the ones related to his dead evil wife Patra. He has put a shield around himself and his emotions because the moment he cares about someone, his enemy tries his best to attack them, so when Kira risks her life to save him, he tries his best to move on, but at the end that's impossible.
Kira has suffered much in her past, and when she meets Mencheres, she thinks things are going to get even worse. Her sister is very sick and her brother is a lazy drug addict, but against all odds, Mencheres tries to help her the best he can before disappearing from her life.
When he's gone, she realizes that she wants to be with him, but her search brings susrpising results.
I loved how Kira accepted Mencheres, faults and all, and didn't judge him for the actions of his past. Their relationship evolved slowly but surely and even though they have a lot of obstacles between them, they manage to get past them to be together.
Some old characters appear in this book like Cat & Bones, and I never though I would say this about them, but they deserved to be kicked in the ass. I didn't like how they treated Mencheres and how they only wanted to believe the worst of him even after all the past times he's helped them. We also see Vlad, and after learning more about him in this book, it only made me want his story even more. He deserves a HEA!
I wished we could have had more information about the bad guy, Radje. Also, I was expecting more of him. I don't know what, but I wanted him to do more evil things or at least raise more hell than what he did.
In essence, this was a good book, with plenty of action and a great romance and although I wished we could have learn more of Mencheres past and the villian would've been more evil, it was a satisfying read at the end.
Memorable Lines:
“Why didn’t you stop those ghouls yesterday before I showed up? You –”
“Quiet,” Mencheres said instantly. Gorgon had walked away out of eyesight, but he could still hear her.
“I’ve thought it over, but it makes no sense,” Kira went on, completely ignoring his order to be quiet. For a stunned second, Mencheres didn’t know how to react. It had to be centuries at least since a human had dared to ignore his commands. “You didn’t even need to touch them to – whoa!”
He’d vaulted out of the pool to physically stop Kira from uttering more damning sentences by putting his finger to her mouth. Water dripped onto her clothes and her pale green eyes widened as he loomed over her.
“Never speak about that again,” Mencheres said, his voice soft but steely. He couldn’t mesmerize her into silence, but if need be, he would gag Kira so Gorgon didn’t find out about his thwarted plan with the ghouls yesterday.
Her heartbeat had accelerated the moment he leapt from the water, and it stayed elevated when she looked away from his face at the rest of his body. Then she gasped.
Her warm breath vibrated against the finger he still held to her lips. Kira gasped again as her gaze dragged from his shoulders to his feet and then became fixated at the point between his legs. Abruptly, Mencheres’s dark mood over her nearly spilling his secret changed to amusement when Kira didn’t seem to be able to tear her eyes away.
Previous Book:
First Drop of Crimson / Night Huntress World #1